Saturday, March 26, 2011

05.10.2009 - Happy Mother's Day

From Julian's COTA journal

Happy Mother's Day everyone! Especially all you mothers.

We're two days away from leaving for Palo Alto for Julian's 12-month follow-up. Hard to believe it's been a year already! We'll be driving from Phoenix to LA on Tuesday, Disneyland on Wednesday, and driving again from LA to Palo Alto on Thursday. Might as well have some fun while we're on the road.

We have appointments with Urology and Nephrology starting on Friday, then Julian's 12-month biopsy on Thursday May 19, 2009. That's the one I'm nervous about: it's not a lengthy procedure, but it does require anesthetic, and the recovery makes it an all day affair. Not much fun for Julian.

Not sure when we'll be back yet. My hope is that as soon as he's recovered, we can pack up and head home. It'll depend on the preliminary results of the biopsy (i.e. whether they need to do it again or not). Please pray that all goes well, and we can make the trip short and sweet.

Thanks for checking in everyone! We'll try and post new material as the trip progresses.
